Nebraska State Genealogical Society Logo
The Nebraska State Genealogical Society welcomes you.
NSGS Board 2021
NSGS Board 2021
2019 Conf
2019 Conf: Mitch Z, Early Neb. Life
2019 Conf
2019 Conf: Vendors

Nebraska Researchers

Do you need someone "local" to pull a record? Or do some research? Here is a list of people or societies and the counties they serve. There MAY be a cost, so be sure you are aware of their costs and time frame. 
Beth Sparrow 
Counties: Polk, Butler, Platte, Nance, Merrick, and York.
Would consider Lancaster, Hall and Seward. Would also consider Furnas, Frontier and Red Willow, possibly Jefferson, Cheyenne, Madison and Antelope. 
Gail Blankenau
Counties: Lancaster
Nancy Archdekin
Counties: Douglas and Sarpy
Floyd Smith
Counties: (All the panhandle)  Banner, Box Butte, Cheyenne, Dawes, Deuel, Garden, Kimball, Morrill, Scottsbluff, Sheridan, Sioux
Shannon Justice
Counties: Cass, Douglas and Sarpy
Sue Schlichting
Counties: Burt, Colfax, Cuming, Dodge, Fillmore, Platte, Thurston and Washington counties, as well as History Nebraska (state archives)